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College Of Education And Human Development

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Admission To Student Teaching

Application Submission Process:

  1. Contact/meet with faculty mentor (departmental advisor) to ensure that you qualify for admission to student teaching. During this initial meeting, you should ensure that your faculty mentor completes and signs your Curriculum Sheet reflecting all of your coursework including courses in which you are currently enrolled. Your faculty mentor is responsible for uploading your signed curriculum sheet during the application approval process.
  2. You will need to complete and sign the following documents (as you will have to upload them when you complete the online application process in TK20):
  3. Log into TK20 using the following link: Your username is your J-Number and your password is your NetID password. (Note: Never create a TK20 account. If you have logged in before, but are unable to now you may need to reset your NetID in PAWS. If you are a music, English, math, or physics education major that has never used TK20, you may not have an account. Please send an email to
  4. Once you log in click on “Applications” in the menu and select the appropriate “Admission to Student Teaching Application” based on your major (i.e. Elementary Education majors should select the elementary application, Music Education majors the music application, and so on).
  5. Complete the application and notify your faculty mentor by email that it is ready for review. Once your application has been reviewed, you will receive a message in TK20 stating whether it has been approved, denied, or pending submission of additional documents.
  6. Complete the Verification of Lawful Presence Form and submit the required form to the Mississippi Department of education. The Verification of Lawful Presence form and documents must be uploaded into your MDE ELMS account for your license to be issued. The form may be found at the following website:

*email the Director of Teacher Education at if you have questions concerning this process.

  1. You will also have to pay for and complete a background check prior to beginning student teaching (unless you remain with the school district that you were assigned to in EDCI 401 Unit Planning, Assessment, and Classroom Management. The paid background check completed within EDCI 401 lasts for a full year). Be sure to check with the Director of Teacher Education prior to paying for a background check in order to ensure that you utilize the background check vendor serving the school district where you will be assigned to student teach.

*Approval in TK20 is only your advisor’s recommendation. You are not officially admitted until you receive correspondence from the Director of Teacher Education stating that you have been admitted.

If you have questions concerning the application process for Teacher Education or Student Teaching, please contact the Center for Teacher Quality at 601-979-4111 or email


11JSU students conversing

Our college is committed to preparing future educators, counselors, and leaders who are dedicated to making a positive impact on the world.

We offer a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs that provide students with the knowledge, skills, and practical experience necessary to succeed in their chosen field. Our faculty are experienced professionals who are passionate about teaching and mentorship, and who are actively engaged in research that informs and improves their work in the classroom.

In addition to our academic programs, we offer a variety of resources and support services to help students succeed. Our Center for Student Success provides academic advising, tutoring, and other services designed to help students achieve their academic goals. We also offer a number of experiential learning opportunities, such as student teaching, internships, and service learning, that allow students to gain hands-on experience in their field.

At the College of Education and Human Development, we believe that education is the key to creating a better world. Whether you are interested in teaching, counseling, leadership, or any other field related to education and human development, we are here to help you achieve your goals and make a difference in the world.

Our Vision

The vision of the College of Education and Human Development is to be the premier Urban institution of choice within the state of Mississippi, the region, and the nation for the preparation of teachers, counselors and mental health professionals, professional development specialists, school leaders, and other school related professional practitioners with the latest in technology, best practices and as responsive educators with adaptive expertise.

We are also proud of our designation as a provider institution and partner with the U.S. PREP National Center for Educator Preparation Transformation.

JSU student reading books

College Of Education And Human Development


College of Education and Human Development
1400 John R. Lynch Street
Jackson, MS 39217-0280

Phone: 601.979.2433

JSU Students